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International 学生
Welcome, International 学生!


Recent College Acceptance by EC 学生

新葡京app每年都会招收来自中国等国家的不同群体的国际学生, 韩国, 西班牙, 意大利, India and Nigeria.

成立于1892年, 新葡京app是新泽西州北部/纽约大都会区最大和最古老的私立基督教走读学校. In addition to welcoming students from over 40 local communities, 新葡京app教育国际学生已有十多年的历史. 新葡京app位于新泽西州北部郊区,交通便利, 波士顿, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.

新葡京app的特点是高学术水平和充满活力的学生文化在一个安全和培育的基督教环境. 新葡京app提供传统的大学预科课程和大学学分的高级课程. 大多数国际学生在新葡京app开始他们的教育, 完成高中毕业要求并被许多美国大学录取.S. universities and colleges.

国际学生和他们的美国朋友一起学习,享受同样的机会参加领导活动, 美术, visual arts and theater arts. 我们的运动队是该地区最好的运动队之一,经常获得著名的体育精神奖. 国际学生还享受每月的社会活动,并有机会在圣诞节和春假期间旅行.



我们的 International Student Team



高中 非母语英语课程/English Teacher


高中 非母语英语课程/English Teacher

开始日期: 1990

教育: B.A. - - - - - -英语 & Secondary Education, The King's College
M.Ed. - - - - - -英语, Penn State University


Cyndi and her husband John are the parents of two children, Brandon and Emily. They also share their home with a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and a hamster! Cyndi is passionate about teaching English, 非母语英语课程, and Writing at Eastern Christian, 她也喜欢做我们的国际学生的“妈妈”,他们把她的房间当作第二个家. In her free time, Cyndi enjoys reading, 日志记录, 摄影, and solving puzzles of all kinds; she and her family also enjoy vacationing in Cape Cod. 阿代尔一家参加霍桑福音教堂,并积极参加那里的儿童事工项目.

Sandra 德马科

Sandra 德马科

Host Family Coordinator

Sandra 德马科1980年毕业

Host Family Coordinator

开始日期: 2005

教育: Dover Business College


Sandy is happily married to Peter J. 德马科. 他们有两个孩子,乔伊(2011级)和摩根(2012级),还有最可爱的4磅. Yorkie named Lanikai. Sandy lives in Lincoln Park, NJ (named one of the top 10 towns in New Jersey). 桑迪和她的家人都是希望喷气机的球迷,他们真的很想看他们赢得超级碗. 她热衷于为欧共体的国际学生寻找充满爱心和关怀的基督教家庭. Sandy and Pete are members of Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church.



International Student Advisor


International Student Advisor

教育: B.A. - Chemistry/Education, Mount Holyoke College
M.A. - 课程 and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University
Ed.D. - Teachers College, Columbia University (In Progress)


Ji Sung很高兴能回到EC以新的职位为国际学生服务. The past few years she focused on her family and her graduate studies, 但她感到上帝的手打开了一扇又一扇门,让她回来. 作为一名高中理科教师,她教授化学、化学通讯和地球科学. Part of her heart will always remain in science classrooms. 她喜欢教书,也喜欢参与国际项目. Ji Sung grew up in Korea, and lived in China before moving to the states, 因此,她很高兴与我们的国际学生交流,分享他们的经历.

Ji Sung is married to her husband Jaeyoung Kim. They are (soon to be) parents of two young kids, Joy who just turned three, and another one coming in March, 2022! Ji Sung enjoys serving at Great Hope Church with her extended family.


认证 & 认识


  • 斯蒂芬妮
  • Senior, Class of 2018


Senior, Class of 2018

在EC,我最欣赏的是我和老师之间的亲密关系. I have enjoyed every teacher I have known at EC. In Essay Workshop, for example, Mr. 斯蒂恩总是使用创造性的教学方法来让他的学生保持专注,并推动他们成为更好的作家. For example, we watched the movie 《新葡京app》 and had deep discussion about dream and reality afterwards. 我们尝试了不同口味的糖果来探索不同的感官,并在后来写下了这段经历. 夫人. 奥克玛的高级作文课也激励我成为一个更好的作家和学者. 所有的写作任务都促使我更多地反思我的生活,并帮助我发现我所热爱的事情. 他也让我对历史事件和当代问题有了深刻的认识. Uitermarkt’s classes. 在课堂之外,我也有机会与欧共体的教员交流. I would stop by 夫人. 她就像我的妈妈一样,几乎每天都去拉格菲尔德的办公室“汇报”我的一天和我的感受. 她会为我的快乐而微笑,当我情绪低落时,她会鼓励我. 此外,我还通过去印度和荷兰的学校旅行结识了老师. 我可以继续列举这些例子,因为欧共体的教师都愿意在课堂内外与学生交流.

在EC,我也很感激有机会成为人文学科项目的一部分. 这个项目不仅让我在智力上挑战自己,也让我有机会与朋友建立亲密的关系. Sharing the same class with the same group of people everyday, I came to know my Humanities friends on a deeper level. In class, we would passionately engage in debates and conversations. 放学后,我们会互相帮助做作业,互相支持度过难关.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. 培养. 转换.” EC has embraced all of these aspects into its education. 我觉得我在欧共体的时间很吸引人,因为它有丰富的课程和课外活动. 我在英教的经历是有益的,因为英教对每个学生都给予了个人关怀和关注. EC teachers would always be there for their students, whether they had academic related questions or life related concerns. 欧共体教育也在转变,因为它培养了学生在课堂内外的批判性思维能力. 在课堂上,老师鼓励学生表达自己的观点,成长为一个学者. Outside of school, 教统会鼓励学生参加宣教或学术旅行,以获得实际经验. Therefore, I hold deep appreciation towards EC education.